All URIs are relative to **
Method | HTTP request | Description |
addProject | POST /projects | Add project |
deleteProject | DELETE /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug} | Delete project |
deleteProjectBuildCache | DELETE /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/buildcache | Delete project build cache |
encryptValue | POST /account/encrypt | Encrypt a value for use in StoredValue. |
getProjectArtifact | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/artifacts/{artifactFileName} | Get last successful build artifact |
getProjectBranchStatusBadge | GET /projects/status/{statusBadgeId}/branch/{buildBranch} | Get project branch status badge image |
getProjectBuildByVersion | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/build/{buildVersion} | Get project build by version |
getProjectDeployments | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/deployments | Get project deployments |
getProjectEnvironmentVariables | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/settings/environment-variables | Get project environment variables |
getProjectHistory | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/history | Get project history |
getProjectLastBuild | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug} | Get project last build |
getProjectLastBuildBranch | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/branch/{buildBranch} | Get project last branch build |
getProjectSettings | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/settings | Get project settings |
getProjectSettingsYaml | GET /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/settings/yaml | Get project settings in YAML |
getProjectStatusBadge | GET /projects/status/{statusBadgeId} | Get project status badge image |
getProjects | GET /projects | Get projects |
getPublicProjectStatusBadge | GET /projects/status/{badgeRepoProvider}/{repoAccountName}/{repoSlug} | Get status badge image for a project with a public repository |
updateProject | PUT /projects | Update project |
updateProjectBuildNumber | PUT /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/settings/build-number | Update project build number |
updateProjectEnvironmentVariables | PUT /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/settings/environment-variables | Update project environment variables |
updateProjectSettingsYaml | PUT /projects/{accountName}/{projectSlug}/settings/yaml | Update project settings in YAML |
Project addProject(body)
Add project
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); ProjectAddition body = new ProjectAddition(); // ProjectAddition | try { Project result = apiInstance.addProject(body); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#addProject"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | ProjectAddition |
deleteProject(accountName, projectSlug)
Delete project
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug try { apiInstance.deleteProject(accountName, projectSlug); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#deleteProject"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug |
deleteProjectBuildCache(accountName, projectSlug)
Delete project build cache
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug try { apiInstance.deleteProjectBuildCache(accountName, projectSlug); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#deleteProjectBuildCache"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug |
String encryptValue(body)
Encrypt a value for use in StoredValue.
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); EncryptRequest body = new EncryptRequest(); // EncryptRequest | try { String result = apiInstance.encryptValue(body); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#encryptValue"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | EncryptRequest |
File getProjectArtifact(accountName, projectSlug, artifactFileName, branch, tag, job, all, pr)
Get last successful build artifact
The `job` parameter is mandatory if the build contains multiple jobs.
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug String artifactFileName = "artifactFileName_example"; // String | File name (or path) of a build artifact file. Corresponds to the `fileName` property of `ArtifactModel`. URL-encoding of slashes in parameter values is optional. String branch = "branch_example"; // String | Repository Branch String tag = "tag_example"; // String | A git (or other VCS) tag String job = "job_example"; // String | Name of the build job. Boolean all = false; // Boolean | Include not only `successful`, but also jobs with `failed`, and `cancelled` status. Boolean pr = true; // Boolean | Include PR builds in the search results? `true` - take artifact from PR builds only; `false` - do not look for artifact in PR builds; default/unspecified - look for artifact in both PR an non-PR builds. try { File result = apiInstance.getProjectArtifact(accountName, projectSlug, artifactFileName, branch, tag, job, all, pr); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectArtifact"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug | |
artifactFileName | String | File name (or path) of a build artifact file. Corresponds to the `fileName` property of `ArtifactModel`. URL-encoding of slashes in parameter values is optional. | |
branch | String | Repository Branch | [optional] |
tag | String | A git (or other VCS) tag | [optional] |
job | String | Name of the build job. | [optional] |
all | Boolean | Include not only `successful`, but also jobs with `failed`, and `cancelled` status. | [optional] [default to false] |
pr | Boolean | Include PR builds in the search results? `true` - take artifact from PR builds only; `false` - do not look for artifact in PR builds; default/unspecified - look for artifact in both PR an non-PR builds. | [optional] |
File getProjectBranchStatusBadge(statusBadgeId, buildBranch, svg, retina, passingText, failingText, pendingText)
Get project branch status badge image
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String statusBadgeId = "statusBadgeId_example"; // String | ID of the status badge (`statusBadgeId` from `ProjectWithConfiguration`). String buildBranch = "buildBranch_example"; // String | Build Branch Boolean svg = false; // Boolean | Return an SVG image instead of PNG? Exclusive with `retina`. Boolean retina = false; // Boolean | Return a larger image suitable for retina displays? Exclusive with `svg`. String passingText = "passingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is passing. String failingText = "failingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is failing. String pendingText = "pendingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is pending. try { File result = apiInstance.getProjectBranchStatusBadge(statusBadgeId, buildBranch, svg, retina, passingText, failingText, pendingText); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectBranchStatusBadge"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
statusBadgeId | String | ID of the status badge (`statusBadgeId` from `ProjectWithConfiguration`). | |
buildBranch | String | Build Branch | |
svg | Boolean | Return an SVG image instead of PNG? Exclusive with `retina`. | [optional] [default to false] |
retina | Boolean | Return a larger image suitable for retina displays? Exclusive with `svg`. | [optional] [default to false] |
passingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is passing. | [optional] |
failingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is failing. | [optional] |
pendingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is pending. | [optional] |
ProjectBuildResults getProjectBuildByVersion(accountName, projectSlug, buildVersion)
Get project build by version
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug String buildVersion = "buildVersion_example"; // String | Build Version (`version` property of `Build`) try { ProjectBuildResults result = apiInstance.getProjectBuildByVersion(accountName, projectSlug, buildVersion); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectBuildByVersion"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug | |
buildVersion | String | Build Version (`version` property of `Build`) |
ProjectDeploymentsResults getProjectDeployments(accountName, projectSlug)
Get project deployments
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug try { ProjectDeploymentsResults result = apiInstance.getProjectDeployments(accountName, projectSlug); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectDeployments"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug |
List<StoredNameValue> getProjectEnvironmentVariables(accountName, projectSlug)
Get project environment variables
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug try { List<StoredNameValue> result = apiInstance.getProjectEnvironmentVariables(accountName, projectSlug); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectEnvironmentVariables"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug |
ProjectHistory getProjectHistory(accountName, projectSlug, recordsNumber, startBuildId, branch)
Get project history
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug Integer recordsNumber = 56; // Integer | Number of results to include in the response. Integer startBuildId = 56; // Integer | Maximum `buildId` to include in the results (exclusive). String branch = "branch_example"; // String | Repository Branch try { ProjectHistory result = apiInstance.getProjectHistory(accountName, projectSlug, recordsNumber, startBuildId, branch); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectHistory"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug | |
recordsNumber | Integer | Number of results to include in the response. | |
startBuildId | Integer | Maximum `buildId` to include in the results (exclusive). | [optional] |
branch | String | Repository Branch | [optional] |
ProjectBuildResults getProjectLastBuild(accountName, projectSlug)
Get project last build
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug try { ProjectBuildResults result = apiInstance.getProjectLastBuild(accountName, projectSlug); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectLastBuild"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug |
ProjectBuildResults getProjectLastBuildBranch(accountName, projectSlug, buildBranch)
Get project last branch build
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug String buildBranch = "buildBranch_example"; // String | Build Branch try { ProjectBuildResults result = apiInstance.getProjectLastBuildBranch(accountName, projectSlug, buildBranch); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectLastBuildBranch"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug | |
buildBranch | String | Build Branch |
ProjectSettingsResults getProjectSettings(accountName, projectSlug)
Get project settings
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug try { ProjectSettingsResults result = apiInstance.getProjectSettings(accountName, projectSlug); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectSettings"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug |
String getProjectSettingsYaml(accountName, projectSlug)
Get project settings in YAML
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug try { String result = apiInstance.getProjectSettingsYaml(accountName, projectSlug); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectSettingsYaml"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug |
File getProjectStatusBadge(statusBadgeId, svg, retina, passingText, failingText, pendingText)
Get project status badge image
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String statusBadgeId = "statusBadgeId_example"; // String | ID of the status badge (`statusBadgeId` from `ProjectWithConfiguration`). Boolean svg = false; // Boolean | Return an SVG image instead of PNG? Exclusive with `retina`. Boolean retina = false; // Boolean | Return a larger image suitable for retina displays? Exclusive with `svg`. String passingText = "passingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is passing. String failingText = "failingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is failing. String pendingText = "pendingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is pending. try { File result = apiInstance.getProjectStatusBadge(statusBadgeId, svg, retina, passingText, failingText, pendingText); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjectStatusBadge"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
statusBadgeId | String | ID of the status badge (`statusBadgeId` from `ProjectWithConfiguration`). | |
svg | Boolean | Return an SVG image instead of PNG? Exclusive with `retina`. | [optional] [default to false] |
retina | Boolean | Return a larger image suitable for retina displays? Exclusive with `svg`. | [optional] [default to false] |
passingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is passing. | [optional] |
failingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is failing. | [optional] |
pendingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is pending. | [optional] |
List<Project> getProjects()
Get projects
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); try { List<Project> result = apiInstance.getProjects(); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getProjects"); e.printStackTrace(); }
File getPublicProjectStatusBadge(badgeRepoProvider, repoAccountName, repoSlug, branch, svg, retina, passingText, failingText, pendingText)
Get status badge image for a project with a public repository
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String badgeRepoProvider = "badgeRepoProvider_example"; // String | Repository provider supported for badges String repoAccountName = "repoAccountName_example"; // String | Account name with repository provider String repoSlug = "repoSlug_example"; // String | Slug (URL component) of repository. String branch = "branch_example"; // String | Repository Branch Boolean svg = false; // Boolean | Return an SVG image instead of PNG? Exclusive with `retina`. Boolean retina = false; // Boolean | Return a larger image suitable for retina displays? Exclusive with `svg`. String passingText = "passingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is passing. String failingText = "failingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is failing. String pendingText = "pendingText_example"; // String | Text to show in badge when build is pending. try { File result = apiInstance.getPublicProjectStatusBadge(badgeRepoProvider, repoAccountName, repoSlug, branch, svg, retina, passingText, failingText, pendingText); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#getPublicProjectStatusBadge"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
badgeRepoProvider | String | Repository provider supported for badges | [enum: bitBucket, gitHub] |
repoAccountName | String | Account name with repository provider | |
repoSlug | String | Slug (URL component) of repository. | |
branch | String | Repository Branch | [optional] |
svg | Boolean | Return an SVG image instead of PNG? Exclusive with `retina`. | [optional] [default to false] |
retina | Boolean | Return a larger image suitable for retina displays? Exclusive with `svg`. | [optional] [default to false] |
passingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is passing. | [optional] |
failingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is failing. | [optional] |
pendingText | String | Text to show in badge when build is pending. | [optional] |
Update project
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); ProjectWithConfiguration body = new ProjectWithConfiguration(); // ProjectWithConfiguration | try { apiInstance.updateProject(body); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#updateProject"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | ProjectWithConfiguration |
updateProjectBuildNumber(accountName, projectSlug, body)
Update project build number
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug ProjectBuildNumberUpdate body = new ProjectBuildNumberUpdate(); // ProjectBuildNumberUpdate | try { apiInstance.updateProjectBuildNumber(accountName, projectSlug, body); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#updateProjectBuildNumber"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug | |
body | ProjectBuildNumberUpdate |
updateProjectEnvironmentVariables(accountName, projectSlug, body)
Update project environment variables
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug List<StoredNameValue> body = Arrays.asList(new StoredNameValue()); // List<StoredNameValue> | try { apiInstance.updateProjectEnvironmentVariables(accountName, projectSlug, body); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#updateProjectEnvironmentVariables"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug | |
body | List<StoredNameValue> |
updateProjectSettingsYaml(accountName, projectSlug, body)
Update project settings in YAML
// Import classes: //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiClient; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.ApiException; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.Configuration; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.auth.*; //import name.kevinlocke.appveyor.api.ProjectApi; ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); // Configure API key authorization: apiToken ApiKeyAuth apiToken = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("apiToken"); apiToken.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null) //apiToken.setApiKeyPrefix("Token"); ProjectApi apiInstance = new ProjectApi(); String accountName = "accountName_example"; // String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) String projectSlug = "projectSlug_example"; // String | Project Slug byte[] body = BINARY_DATA_HERE; // byte[] | The body of requests should contain YAML data. It is unclear how to specify this since the OpenAPI spec requires `schema` without `type` for `in: body` parameters and does not allow `type: file` in `schema`. See swagger-codegen (for Java, probably others) allows a binary string body parameter with non-application/json `consumes` to be passed through in the request body without conversion to JSON. try { apiInstance.updateProjectSettingsYaml(accountName, projectSlug, body); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("Exception when calling ProjectApi#updateProjectSettingsYaml"); e.printStackTrace(); }
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountName | String | AppVeyor account name (`accountName` property of `UserAccount`) | |
projectSlug | String | Project Slug | |
body | byte[] | The body of requests should contain YAML data. It is unclear how to specify this since the OpenAPI spec requires `schema` without `type` for `in: body` parameters and does not allow `type: file` in `schema`. See swagger-codegen (for Java, probably others) allows a binary string body parameter with non-application/json `consumes` to be passed through in the request body without conversion to JSON. |