

Name Type Description Notes
projectId Integer
accountName String [optional]
name String [optional]
slug String [optional]
created DateTime [optional]
updated DateTime [optional]
accountId Integer [optional]
builds List<Build> Only non-empty for response from getProjects. [optional]
repositoryType RepositoryProvider [optional]
repositoryScm RepositoryScm [optional]
repositoryName String
repositoryBranch String Not present in response from addProject. [optional]
isPrivate Boolean [optional]
skipBranchesWithoutAppveyorYml Boolean [optional]
enableSecureVariablesInPullRequests Boolean [optional]
enableSecureVariablesInPullRequestsFromSameRepo Boolean [optional]
enableDeploymentInPullRequests Boolean [optional]
saveBuildCacheInPullRequests Boolean [optional]
rollingBuilds Boolean [optional]
rollingBuildsDoNotCancelRunningBuilds Boolean [optional]
alwaysBuildClosedPullRequests Boolean [optional]
tags String Comma-separated list of project tags for dynamic grouping. Appears that any input is accepted. The returned value only contains case-preserving but insensitive unique values where spaces around &quot;,&quot; are removed but otherwise preserved. Empty values and items are allowed. [optional]
nuGetFeed NuGetFeed Not present in response from addProject. [optional]
securityDescriptor SecurityDescriptor Not present in response from addProject. Not always present in response from getProjects (only after updateProject or startBuild?). [optional]
versionFormat String
nextBuildNumber Integer [optional]
scheduleCrontabExpression String Build schedule as an NCrontab Expression. See [optional]
repositoryAuthentication RepositoryAuthenticationType [optional]
repositoryUsername String [optional]
sshPublicKey String [optional]
webhookId String [optional]
webhookUrl String [optional]
statusBadgeId String [optional]
buildPriority Integer [optional]
ignoreAppveyorYml Boolean [optional]
customYmlName String [optional]
_configuration ProjectConfiguration