

Name Type Description Notes
created DateTime [optional]
updated DateTime [optional]
successfulBuildNotification BuildNotificationFrequency
failedBuildNotification BuildNotificationFrequency
notifyWhenBuildStatusChangedOnly Boolean Note that this value is `true` on user creation, but behaves as `false` when not specified on update. [optional]
successfulDeploymentNotification DeploymentNotificationFrequency
failedDeploymentNotification DeploymentNotificationFrequency
notifyWhenDeploymentStatusChangedOnly Boolean Note that this value is `true` on user creation, but behaves as `false` when not specified on update. [optional]
accountId Integer [optional]
accountName String [optional]
isOwner Boolean [optional]
isCollaborator Boolean [optional]
userId Integer [optional]
fullName String
email String
password String [optional]
roleId Integer [optional]
roleName String [optional]
pageSize Integer [optional]