/** @module promise-nodeify
* @copyright Copyright 2016-2018 Kevin Locke <kevin@kevinlocke.name>
* @license MIT
'use strict';
/** Function which will run with a clear stack as soon as possible.
* @private
const later
= typeof process !== 'undefined'
&& typeof process.nextTick === 'function' ? process.nextTick
: typeof setImmediate === 'function' ? setImmediate
: setTimeout;
/** Invokes callback and ensures any exceptions thrown are uncaught.
* @private
function doCallback(callback, reason, value) {
// Note: Could delay callback call until later, as When.js does, but this
// loses the stack (particularly for bluebird long traces) and causes
// unnecessary delay in the non-exception (common) case.
try {
// Match argument length to resolve/reject in case callback cares.
// Note: bluebird has argument length 1 if value === undefined due to
// https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/170
// If you are reading this and want similar behavior, I'll consider it.
if (reason) {
} else {
callback(null, value);
} catch (err) {
later(() => { throw err; });
/** Calls a node-style callback when a Promise is resolved or rejected.
* This function provides the behavior of
* {@link https://github.com/then/nodeify then <code>nodeify</code>},
* {@link
* https://github.com/cujojs/when/blob/master/docs/api.md#nodebindcallback
* when.js <code>node.bindCallback</code>},
* or {@link http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/api/ascallback.html bluebird
* <code>Promise.prototype.nodeify</code> (now
* <code>Promise.prototype.asCallback</code>)} (without options).
* @ template ValueType
* @param {!Promise<ValueType>} promise Promise to monitor.
* @param {?function(*, ValueType=)=} callback Node-style callback to be
* called when <code>promise</code> is resolved or rejected. If
* <code>promise</code> is rejected with a falsey value the first argument
* will be an instance of <code>Error</code> with a <code>.cause</code>
* property with the rejected value.
* @return {Promise<ValueType>|undefined} <code>undefined</code> if
* <code>callback</code> is a function, otherwise a <code>Promise</code>
* which behaves like <code>promise</code> (currently is <code>promise</code>,
* but is not guaranteed to remain so).
* @alias module:promise-nodeify
function promiseNodeify(promise, callback) {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
return promise;
function onRejected(reason) {
// callback is unlikely to recognize or expect a falsey error.
// (we also rely on truthyness for arguments.length in doCallback)
// Convert it to something truthy
let truthyReason = reason;
if (!truthyReason) {
// Note: unthenify converts falsey rejections to TypeError:
// https://github.com/blakeembrey/unthenify/blob/v1.0.0/src/index.ts#L32
// We use bluebird convention for Error, message, and .cause property
truthyReason = new Error(String(reason));
truthyReason.cause = reason;
doCallback(callback, truthyReason);
function onResolved(value) {
doCallback(callback, null, value);
promise.then(onResolved, onRejected);
return undefined;
/** A version of {@link promiseNodeify} which delegates to the
* <code>.nodeify</code> method on <code>promise</code>, if present.
* This may be more performant than {@see promiseNodeify} and have additional
* implementation-specific features, but the behavior may differ from
* <code>promiseNodeify</code> and between Promise implementations.
* Note that this function only passes the callback argument to
* <code>.nodeify</code>, since additional arguments are interpreted
* differently by different libraries (e.g. bluebird treats the next argument
* as an options object while then treats it as <code>this</code> for the
* callback).
* @ template ValueType
* @param {!Promise<ValueType>} promise Promise to monitor.
* @param {?function(*, ValueType=)=} callback Node-style callback.
* @return {Promise<ValueType>|undefined} Value returned by
* <code>.nodeify</code>. Known implementations return the
* <code>promise</code> argument when callback is falsey and either
* <code>promise</code> or <code>undefined</code> otherwise.
promiseNodeify.delegated = function nodeifyDelegated(promise, callback) {
if (typeof promise.nodeify === 'function') {
return promise.nodeify(callback);
return promiseNodeify(promise, callback);
/** Polyfill for <code>Promise.prototype.nodeify</code> which behaves like
* {@link promiseNodeify}.
* @ template ValueType
* @this {!Promise<ValueType>}
* @param {?function(*, ValueType=)=} callback Node-style callback.
* @return {Promise<ValueType>|undefined} <code>undefined</code> if
* <code>callback</code> is a function, otherwise a <code>Promise</code>
* which behaves like <code>promise</code> (currently is <code>promise</code>,
* but is not guaranteed to remain so).
promiseNodeify.nodeifyThis = function nodeifyThis(callback) {
return promiseNodeify(this, callback);
// Note: This file is used directly for Node and wrapped in UMD for browser
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = promiseNodeify;